NextGen Collar

Self-reflection is a Journey.

Self-reflection is a journey and it’s important to stop and be still.

I find it hard to stop and be still. I literally have to force myself at times to stop multi-tasking. Is that normal? Lol I think so. Let me put it to you like this, in the world we live in today where we are constantly getting updates, have access to information at our fingertips, can reach someone across the world more easier than ever before, yes it’s normal to feel like it’s hard to stop. But it’s so important to take time to do so…to take time for self. I’ve been on a journey my entire career to progress to do better to out-do what I have done continuously. That’s me the constant goal setter – and it’s important to set those goals and work toward them. But if you don’t take the time out that is needed to reflect on the journey you could be missing out on some serious growth moments.

Some HYPER-growth and development areas. Let me give you an example of when it’s time to do this. A good time is when you feel like you’re starting to be drained from what you’re doing or if you feel like you’re just stuck in the same old rut. You then my friend need to STOP and do a little self-reflection. Some do this mentally I actually like to journal. Whatever your method is you need to do it and then evaluate yourself and determine if you see a pattern that needs further inspection or a pivot point. I can’t tell you what will work for you because we are all different, but I can tell you it works! Here are some tips that may help you:

1- Take 10min a week to journal – focus on something that bothered you during your work week and jot down why it did – then reflect on how you might deal with it the next time.
2- Shut down technology for an hour, don’t answer any calls don’t look at your social media and meditate or go for a walk or do your choice of workout.
3- Work with a coach to help you develop how best to address your self-reflection needs.
