NextGen Collar

Get Your M&M’s …Manifest & Mindfulness

At a recent coaching session I was told to think about what I want and then to manifest it. I thought wait a minute I thought I was already doing that! But it was also in that very moment I realized maybe I’m not doing that… I’ve always been a positive person but that didn’t mean I was putting my goals into clear focus. I decided I’ve got some work to do. Interestingly enough my daughter taught me the value of practicing mindfulness right around the same time. She said mom, haven’t you heard and I said no, teach me! She said if you practice the art of mindfulness you will put things into clear focus. So that’s when the A-Ha moment occurred that I need to get my M&M’s!!

So manifest & mindfulness can intersect in my opinion but how do you go about it?


Yes! All of the above. When I was younger I simply wanted to make as much money as I could as fast as I could. At that time that was what I needed but I didn’t really have much purpose behind it. Now that I’m getting “bolder” not older lol – my mindset has shifted. But it took some real focus and self-reflection for me to peel this back and understand why I was thinking this way. That’s practicing mindfulness. Now manifest, step 2 requires me to chart that path and mentally figure out the steps that I need to get me to my end-game. It will be different for everyone as we all are at different points in our life journey and in our career journey. So…. I say take some time for yourself, no seriously I mean it and use your M&M’s. You’ll be so glad that you did.
