December – Time for Reflection & Pause

Through the flurry of the month of December, holiday activities have begun. The holiday lights are hung, the trees are decorated and trimmed, the presents are wrapped – and the cookies and goodies are baked to perfection. Family time – and oh the JOY of it all! December is all of those wonderful things that we LOVE about holiday time and I cherish those things as well.

So when it comes to thinking about your career, what should December be about? I say Pause…and Reflection. It’s a good time to take an hour to write down all of the things that went well for you in your career for the year. AND – to write down all of the things that you could have done a bit more or a bit better. Do this BEFORE you get to the New Year and you will hit the New Year off and running with your Goals Clear and Set.

My grandmother always taught me about the importance of being my best in everything I do. She was right, and being your best requires pause & reflection. You have to know what you are doing well, and what you are needing to put more time into to be your best. Here’s tips for the month of December:

1) By all means – Get your Christmas Shopping DONE! 🙂

2) Then set aside some quiet, peaceful time to reflect and journal.

3) Set 3 Goals of things you want to improve in your career for 2024 – then begin to write down the tasks it will take to achieve those goals!

Until next month – Happy Holidays – Be well and Keep Trailblazing! -Tia
