Do I need a Coach or a Mentor?

Coaching and Mentorship are two different things.   Both offer a unique perspective and can help you accelerate your career goals.  

All sports teams have a coach.  They work with each individual player to get them to peak performance out on the field.  The coach has a pivotal role in a player's development.  Now what sports player do you know that doesn't have a coach?

An Executive Coach meets with you on a regular basis to discuss your goals and help you map out your journey to your dream job - your desired destination in your career.

Mentorship is different from coaching and should not be mistaken as the same thing.  A mentor is someone who you can ask questions and understands your role.  They have typically been in your role before and help you make sense of the what, why, and how - they provide extremely valuable insight.

At NextGen Collar, we believe diverse individuals in Technology perform better when they are mentored and receive coaching.  But many don't seek out this level of support because they can't find someone that looks like them in their company or on their work teams.

We can connect you and support you in this search.

NextGen Collar