Bring your Authentic Self!

This month’s topic sounds pretty self-explanatory.  But every conference I go to recently I keep hearing the same sound track.  Be authentic, be YOU.  The fact that I am hearing this more and more in my discussions with colleagues, with impactful leaders is music to my ears!  Seems like everyone is looking for authenticity.  So, what does that mean?  I think we’ve all heard the saying “You do you, and I will do me…” but I think if you dig a bit deeper true authenticity is rooted in the confidence factor to truly feel as if you “you can do you”.  So when you show up in the room, you are confident enough to speak your truth when and where you deem to do so.  

When I was in the beginning of my career, I often shied away from speaking up in a room because I knew I was the only one – I knew I would be stared it & that I could not hide if I spoke up.  Once my confidence grew and I learned my craft, I began to speak up and noticed even though I was the only one in the room who looked like me that my voice mattered.  Although I knew what I was talking about, and when I did speak up, I was often questioned in my engineering roles, being asked if I was Really Sure??  I never heard others being asked if they were sure of what they were saying was accurate.  I wondered why I was always being asked this question.  I knew that I had to be confident in every answer because I would always be questioned.  I would always be asked where did I get my facts, what was the basis of this, how did I come to this conclusion – again and again.  I knew that my confidence was growing and that I in fact was sure – which is the reason I had to become fearless.  It’s been tough – but it’s been worth it, and I was practicing true authenticity before it became sheik.

Group think is real, and if we don’t show up as our authentic selves we are limiting creativity, we are limiting our own ability to grow & to learn.  We are also limiting innovation in the places we work.  I’ve learned by speaking up & by speaking my truth I am moving the ball and I am a part of the solution, not the problem.  Our experiences shape our character – and from those experiences there is value there is something each and everyone of us brings to the table.  Greater outcomes & greater solutions to bigger more complex problems requires everyone in the room to be authentic.  So please…”You do you, and please do it with Confidence!”

Tips for True Authenticity:

  1. Know that your voice matters
  2. Research, Read, & Research some more so that you can feel confident in your thoughts & abilities
  3. Speak your truth – in doing so, it will lead to creativity & growth
